
Piracy is an excellent way to gain resources for your Planets and at the same time deprives an enemy’s Planet from some of its resources. Pirating is done only with the piracy ships - Scouts/Rogue Fighters/Nox Darths. A Battle may take place only if the Defender has Scouts/Rogue Fighters/Nox Darths (piracy ships) in their fleet. The fight is between the Scouts/Rogue Fighters/Nox Darths, from both sides, ONLY. Ship upgrades, reductions and shield bonuses apply. Points are calculated as usual. The Recycle field appears as usual. You can steal up to 1/4 of the resources present on the Planet via Pirating. The pirating fleet does not engage in Battle with the Defending fleet or defense.

An incoming Pirating flight is marked in orange on the "Fleets" screen.


  • Attacking coefficient requirement: you can send pirating flights to players if their Total points or their Resource points are between half of and twice your Total points or Resource points, respectively. For example: if you have 10 000 Total points and 20 000 Resource points you can attack a player if their Total points are between 5 000 and 10 000 or their Resource points are between 10 000 and 40 000, fulfilling one of these is enough (this requirement does not affect Team pirating);
  • Players who don’t have at least 300 Total points cannot be pirated on; players who don’t have at least 300 Total points can send pirating flights to other players (all limitations apply);
  • Only Scouts/Rogue Fighters/Nox Darths can conduct Piracy.
  • You cannot send Pirate flights on players in Vacantion/Protection.

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