Negative Random Events

Here is a list of all possible Negative Random Events:

  • Event: Drought.

Message: "Because of the heats this season the yield of the farms is significantly lower. My Lord, the food production was X% lower tonight."

Result: -15-50% less food GAINED.

  • Event: Plague.

Message: "My Lord, the plague, that is torturing our lands, took more victims: X victims."

Result: 10-30% from random unit dies.

  • Event: Deserters.

Message: "My Lord, the lumbermen we hired have gone to work for another ruler. There's no one to work in the forest, that is why today our wood production is X% lower."

Result: -15-50% less wood GAINED.

  • Event: Strike.

Message: "My Lord, we have bad news for you – the miners are unsatisfied with the low food rations they get and today they've organized a strike. Because of it we've gathered X% less iron."

Result: -15-50% less iron GAINED.

  • Event: Repair.

Message: "My Lord, the roads in our lands are very bumpy and the peasants are unsatisfied. We had to repair them, which cost us X% from our gold"

Result: -15-50% less gold GAINED .

  • Event: Dynasty.

Message: "My Lord, the time has come to honor the parents of our son-in-law/daughter-in-law – this marriage is very important for our politics. We'll send them a lot of gifts and X% of our gold"

Result: -15-50% less STORED gold.

  • Event: New equipment.

Message: "Our troops must be well prepared, my Lord, we have to renew the equipment of your army with better armors and weapons. This will cost us X% from the iron in the castle."

Result: -15-50% less STORED iron.

  • Event: Gates.

Message: "My Lord, the four gates of our castle are old and rotten. For your safety we've rebuilt them and that cost us X% from our wood supplies.."

Result: -15-50% less STORED wood.

  • Event: Feast.

Message: "The feast for your birthday will be remembered for years, my Lord. There wasn't a guest left unsatisfied, but that cost us X% from our food supplies."

Result: -15-50% less STORED food.

  • Event: Fire.

Message: "My Lord, there was a fire in our castle. We've managed to bring it under control with minor losses – the mine X got destroyed."

Result: - 1 level of one of the following buildings - Gold mine, Iron mine, Lumberjacks or Dwellings.

  • Event: Taxes.

Message: “My Lord, the taxes are too high recently, the food isn't enough and the noblemen are just feasting and have forgotten to take care of their people. The loyalty of the peasants is X% lower.“

Result: - 2000 loyalty of the castle.Important: If the castles has less than 4000 loyalty, the event won't have any effect on it.

  • Event: Old Warrior.

Message: "In the last battles we've lost too many experienced warriors, my Lord. There's no one to teach the new recruitments. The level of random unit type is lowered to Х."

Result: - 1 upgrade level of random unit .

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